Teel Reef Certified


Teal Reef Certified

In celebration of Earth Day I am officially launching an idea I’ve had for YEARS. I originally had the idea about 7 years ago when I was frustrated over not being able to decipher whether or not what I was doing was environmentally friendly or not. I felt like the information out there is all over the place (and it is). Making me feel incredibly overwhelmed to make any kind of decent decision about what was a good or bad environmental choice.

I also felt like because I wasn’t perfect about all my choices that I couldn’t share what I was going through.

Then I realized… I don’t have to be perfect about my environmental choices… because that’s virtually impossible…. but what I could do was share the information I did have with others.

So the idea to create a “Stamp” that would indicate a what I would value as a good environmental choice. Sort of like what the Non-GMO Project did with GMO foods. You know when you see that logo you can trust there are no GMO’s in the food you are eating. It’s the same type of idea.

In addition to foods, products and services I want to also help families make good choices when eating out, choosing vacations & experiences and also tips/tricks for day to day living.

Maybe it’s a lofty goal… but it’s one of those things that keeps coming up… so I’m putting it out there.

Stay tuned for my first certified choice…

Stay Healthy & Sane Friends


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